When Truth Isn’t Truth: Rudy Giuliani manipulates us using psychological tactics from climate change deniers and tobacco lobbyists

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
5 min readAug 27, 2018
Caption: Photo of Rudy Giuliani (Courtesy of Gage Skidmore)

“Truth isn’t truth” according to Rudy Giuliani, a statement he made on August 19th on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” The phrase was immediately derided as a verbal blunder embodying the Trump administration’s complete disregard for the facts. Yet a closer look at Giuliani’s message shows an underlying strategic approach to undermining the truth similar to that used by “scientists” producing industry-sponsored studies rejecting human-caused climate change and links between tobacco and cancer.

The transcript of the exchange reveals how Giuliani made his statement while defending Donald Trump’s unwillingness to testify for Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. According to Giuliani, “I am not going to be rushed into having him testify so that he gets trapped into perjury. And when you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he’s going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, well that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth.”

The moderator, Chuck Todd, responded: “Truth is truth.” Then, Giuliani said: “No, it isn’t truth. Truth isn’t truth.” Giuliani went on: “Donald Trump says I didn’t talk about Flynn with Comey. Comey says you did talk about it, so tell me what the…



Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Expert in #hybridwork #remotework #cognitivebiases. CEO at Disaster Avoidance Experts. Write for Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Inc. Magazine, Time, Forbes.